Italy: Bridge Press Conference


    Photo: Paolo De Biagi (Commissario prefettizio di Salsomaggiore Terme), Francesco Angelini (emprendedor farmaceutico, Campeon de Bridge), Giovanni Malagò (Presidente del CONI), Giovanni Medugno (Presidente de la FIGB), Franco Chimenti (Vice Presidente Vicario del CONI, Presidente de la Federazione Italiana Golf), Roberto Fabbricini (Secretario General del CONI), Gianarrigo Rona (Presidente WBF).


    «THE BRIDGE IS THE SCHOOL OF LIFE»  Giovanni Malagò 

    Gianni Medugno
    Gianni Medugno

    It was held this morning at the beautiful hall of Berzieri in Salsomaggiore Terme, the press conference for the of presentation of the Italian Bridge Federation, with the presence of: Gianni Medugno, FIGB President, Giovanni Malagò , President of CONI, Roberto Fabbricini, General Secretary of CONI, Franco Chimenti, Deputy Chairman CONI; Paolo De Biagi, prefectural commissioner of the City of Salsomaggiore; Roberta Giassetti, responsible Axé Italy Onlus; and Gianarrigo Rona, President of the World Bridge Federation.

    Gianni Medugno,  opened the conference  with these words: «Today the Federation crowns a dream», referring to the attendance both at the desk speakers and at the audience.

    «The bridge is not a game of cards, they are just a tool. The bridge is in all respects a sport and our goal is to undress it from the game elite image with which even today is seen. It is a sport – said the President – who in addition to keeping the brain in training has strong educational and cultural values: the achievement of objectives in comparison with others within the rules, education for life for our children, where the bridge may play a key role at a time when the sports culture is lacking «

    Giovanni Malago
    Giovanni Malago

    This was echoed by Giovanni Malagò  an ex-bridge player,  comparing the «sport of sweat and sport of the mind» stressing that both «categories» are a «school of life”. Who is a bridge player is certainly an intelligent person, because to play bridge  the brain must:  function properly, be careful and analyze. No sport in Italy has an excellent record as bridge.

    Francesco Angelini
    Francesco Angelini

    Another sympathetic intervention was from an exceptional bridge player Francesco Angelini, bridge champion and one of the most famous Italian entrepreneurs (Angelini Group) who began his bridge sporting career 20 years ago with a group of  friends.

    A sport that counts with 25 thousand members  with 1400 present at the festival of the Italian Championships in Salsomaggiore, a town linked to the bridge «from a love dating back to 1978,» – said De Biagi.

    A tournament defined by Roberto Fabbricini «attractive and where the enthusiasm that reigns in the beautiful halls of congress makes it a sport.» Franco Chimenti: «A discipline that deserves to become a sports federation in all respects.»

     «The bridge should be practiced along with other sports,» added Malagò, a mental well-being complementary to the physical well-being.

    Gianarrigo Rona

      The Italian Bridge Federation  has many future projects, including a pilot project that will start in the next academic year. A growing movement, a federation that is being renewed and that, as Gianarrigo  Rona said  «time has led to the renewal of a sport that has given several titles to Italy.»

    Meanwhile, the Federation has joined Axé Italy Onlus: «Axé means energy that moves the whole. – Explains Roberta Giassetti – it is an association that for over 20 years is working in Brazil and whose mission is to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of children and adolescents who live in social unrest. Dance, music and art are the tools we use to educate children and to keep them off the streets. «

    Art and music, art-sport, bridge, once again, becomes a vehicle of positive messages where compliance with the rules, dedication and passion become a school of life.