24th European Youth Team Championships

Francia Campeon Juniors y Girls 2013
Francia Campeon Juniors y Girls 2013
These are the event Sponsors

The 2013 European Youth Championships get underway in Wroclaw, Poland – full results, bulletins and other information can be found on the EBL Website – click here

The Championships comprise the following competitions:

  • 24th European Junior Team Championship
  • 11th European Youngsters Team Championship
  • 6th European Girls Team Championship

All events are open to the member countries of the EBL. Each country is represented by one national team in each series, consisting of 4-6 players, a non-playing captain and, possibly, other officials. The format is a simple round-robin of 20-board matches.

RUNNING SCORES: JuniorsYoungstersGirls

 Day 9, last days July 19/20th: France Wins the Girls and the Juniors Championship and Sweden wins Youngsters.

Girls: France team
Juniors: France team

France Girls: Jessie Carbonneaux, Anais Leleu, Jenifer Mourgues, Anne Rouanet-Labe, Anne-Laure Tartarin, Aurelie Thizy, and npc Jerome Rombaut.

France Juniors: Julien Bernard , Jean-Christophe Quantin ( capitaine), Fabrice Charignon, Cédric Lorenzini, Clément Laloubeyre, Thibault Coudert, Alexandre Kilani.

Suecia Campeon Youngsters 2013
Sweden Youngsters 2013 Champion

Sweden Youngsters: Coach PO Sundelin, Mikael Rimstedt, Adam Stokka, Michael Grönkvist, Johan Säfsten, Ola Rimstedt y Alianzas Per Leandersson

  Day 8, July 18th: France Leads Juniors and Girls Championships: The French Juniors had a big day to take-over at the top of the rankings ahead of  previous leaders, Poland. Also in contention for the medals are Israel, Denmark, Turkey, Netherlands and Sweden. Not everyone can win a medal, but congratulations to Ireland, who finally won their first match, beating Bulgaria by 28 IMPs. Poland leads the Youngsters but it is all quite tight. They are followed by Sweden, Netherlands, Israel, France, Italy and Slovakia. France has a big lead in the Girls and looks sure to take the title. Netherlands, Poland and Italy will fight it out for the silver and bronze medals. All Results

England Youngsters Team
England Youngsters Team

 Day 7, July 17th: Polish Juniors Move into the Lead. A good day for the Polish Juniors saw them move to the top of the standings, ahead of France, Denmark, Israel, Turkey, Netherlands and Italy. The Swedish Youngsters started the day with two 20-0s to move into first place but then had a tough third match against third-placed Netherlands. The tough opposition did not stop the Swedes, who completed an almost perfect day with a 19.93-0.07 VP win for 59.93 VPs on the day and top spot in the rankings. Meanwhile, that completed a miserable day for the overnight leaders, the Netherlands, who suffered three bad losses and dropped to sixth, behind Sweden, Poland, Italy, France and Israel. Italy had a big win over the Netherlands in the Girls
series, helping France to move a match clear at the top, with Netherlands second and Italy right behind them. About
another match further back comes the host nation, Poland. There were other 20-0s for Israel, Czech Republic and
Bulgaria in the Juniors, Poland in the Girls, and Italy and Russia in the Youngsters.

 Day 6, July 16th: Having led at the start of the day, the Italian Juniors had a tough schedule yesterday and lost all three matches. The new leaders are Denmark from Poland, Turkey, Israel, France and Norway, with Italy dropping seven places in the day to lie eighth. At the half-way point, France and the Netherlands are over a match clear of Poland and Italy in the Girls Championship, with the rest nowhere. The Youngsters is much tighter, with the Netherlands again in the lead by about 13 VP from Poland, followed by France, Israel, Italy and Sweden.

 Day 5, July 15th: After nine rounds of the Junior Championship, Italy still leads the way, from Poland and Denmark. With the exception of the Netherlands, who are still struggling in midtable, all the heavyweight contenders are moving into contention and we can expect a really tough battle in the second half of the tournament.  In the Girls, France leads the way from the Netherlands, Poland and Hungary. Netherlands leads the way in the Youngsters, ahead of Poland, England and Italy, but the field is still tightly bunched. Congratulations to Ireland, whose 20 IMP win over France was their country’s first win so far in either Juniors or Youngsters event. There were 20-0s yesterday for Poland in the Juniors, and the Netherlands in both Youngsters and Girls Championships. Also 20s for Czech Republic, England and Russia in the Youngsters and France in the Girls.

Day 4, July 14th: France, one of the favourites in the Girls series, leads the way after the first day of competition, closely followed by the Netherlands. Defending champions Poland lie fifth after three matches. The Dutch Youngsters are one place better off than the Girls team, leading the way from Israel, Turkey and defending champions Poland. Both the Girls and Youngsters have a full three-match schedule today, while the Juniors get the third match off. In the Juniors, Italy has increased its lead to more than 16 VP over Denmark. Next come Sweden, Norway, Turkey and Poland. On Sunday, there were 20-0 maximums for Hungary and Israel in the Juniors, Netherlands in the Girls, and England, Russia and Israel in the Youngsters. 

Day 3, July 13th: Another good day saw Italy take over at the top of the rankings, but previous leader, Czech Republic, also had a good day with wins over two strong teams in Denmark and Israel. Italy had a perfect day, with two 20-0 wins over Ireland and Austria, to take a more than 10 VP lead over Denmark, with Czech Republic close behind in third. Next come Sweden, Bulgaria and Germany. Today Sunday 14th, the Girls and Youngsters Championships begin, Good luck to everyone!


 Click here to find the Systems registered by the teams.

A Video from de event (Source: NewInBridge )