The Revenge of the Sadist by Zia Mahmood


the guardian Thursday 30 June 2011

The hard way to gain 4 imps

Today’s deal from the match between Mahaffey and Denmark at the 2011 European Open Teams Championship in Poznan was an exciting affair. Game all, dealer South:

mano mahmood

When the Danes held the North-South cards, South opened one heart, North bid a conventional 1NT as the start of a relay sequence to discover his strength. South bid two clubs which meant something or other, North asked again with two diamonds, South bid two hearts – and West doubled it. Abandoning science, North firmly redoubled, and when everyone passed the question of whether South would make an overtrick acquired rather greater importance. He played the hand with considerable skill, managing to restrict West to four trump tricks and, after some calculation, it was agreed that he should enter 1240 points on his side of the ledger.

It didn’t seem likely that even Meckstroth and Rodwell, who had the North-South cards at the other table, could match that result. But this was the bidding:

subasta mahmood

(1) 14-16 balanced. (2) I have a long major suit. (3) I have some high cards. (4) Pass if this is your suit. (5) I don’t think they can make this. (6) Neither do I – please pick another spot, partner. (7) Will this do? (8) No. (9) All right then – you have a go. (10) I have a suspicion I know what’s coming. (11) Indeed you do.

The auction had ended, but one question remained to be resolved. South led the king of diamonds – but it was not South’s lead, for West had been the first person to bid diamonds. The rules permitted West, the actual declarer, to spread his cards as dummy and invite partner to play the hand. This he rather sadistically chose to do, and East recorded four tricks for a penalty of 1400 and a swing to Mahaffey of four IMPs.