Monday July 28th, 2014
This Sunday, July 27, 2014 the Schwartz team defeated the Monaco powerhouse team and won the 2014 Spingold Trophy.
Schwartz Team: Richard Schwartz, capitan del equipo ganador, Allan Graves, Ron Schwartz, Lotan Fisher, Espen Lindqvist y Boye Brogeland.
Monaco Team: Fulvio Fantoni, Claudio Nunes, Tor Helness y Geir Helgemo, el capitan del equipo Pierre Zimmermann y su partner, Franck Multon.
This is a board played in the first set of the match where Pierre Zimmermann, Captain of Monaco, stepped forward and added 9 IMPs for his team.
Board 28
Helness opened 1, Helgemo showed his heart suit and closed the 3NT game when his partner denied 4 heart cards.
The 3 lead, helped declarer to make the first two diamond tricks, he continued playing heart and when Fisher played his king he claimed 10 tricks to score +630.
At the other table Multon opened his hand with a 2 bid, showing a weak two suits hand with spades and a minor. Schwartz passed and Zimmermann knowing that E/W had enough points for game decided to make them difficult the task of finding where to play.
Pierre chose a sufficiently confused call to make Graves-Schwartz believe that he had the points each one lacked: 3.
Zimmermann got East/West silence. Declarer finished 5 down in his club partscore…but added 9 IMPs to his team score.