HomeBridge HandsReading the cards is beneficial By Phillip Alder

Reading the cards is beneficial By Phillip Alder

Moscow-Pullman Daily News – 7 Ago 2000

What do you make of this? “Books are fatal: they are the curse of the human race. Nine-tenths of existing books are nonsense, and the clever books are the refutation of that nonsense .The greatest misfortune that ever befell man was the invention of printing.”

Bizarre — and that was claimed by Benjamin Disraeli, who ended his reign as the British prime minister 120 years ago.

Success at bridge goes hand in hand with reading the cards. If you work out where the key missing honors lie and how you will get around the best defense and worst distribuion, you will do very well.

aaxxThis deal is deceptive. How would you play in three no trump after West leads the club king?

South saw seven top tricks: one spade, one heart, four diamonds and one club, he knew the other two would come from the heart suit. First, though, hoping for two club tricks. South ducked trick one.

However, West had noticed his partner’s discouraging club two, he switched smartly to the spade queen South ducked, but when West continued with the spade jack and East overtook with the king, declarer was defeated if he ducked the spade ace again, East would return his remaining club, establishing the suit while West still had the heart king as an entry.

However, if South won this trick. the defenders would run the rest of the spades when West got in with that heart king. South should have won trick one, entered dummy with a diamond, then taken the heart finesse. It loses, but his remaining jack four of clubs is a stopper with West on lead. South wins at least nine tricks.

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