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O. Jacoby on Bridge

Ottawa Citizen – 5 Jun 1963

All deceivers don’t go around selling gold bricks. Some operate at the bridge table.

aaxxSouth was more of a duplicate player than a rubber bridge man so instead of being properly thankful for the small favor of a spade lead which insured his contract, South went out after everything that he could gather in.

He came to his hand with the jack of diamonds at trick two and led the queen of hearts. Meanwhile East had been engaged in a little quiet thought. Obviously South held four spades so that if the suit were headed by the ace South would have responded one spade, not one no trump. In that case South would have the ace of clubs among his securities and there would be no way to keep him from making nine tricks unless East could instill a real feeling of confidence.

Accordingly, East lost no time letting the queen of hearts hold and when South led a second heart dummy’s ten was allowed to hold that trick. Now South was ready to make five odd. He led a spade from dummy. West took his ace and led the six of clubs. East’s jack forced South’s ace and South promptly led a third heart and finessed dummy’s jack.

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