Hope for the ordinary player by Zia Mahmood


the guardian Thursday May 26 2011

This spectacular deal comes from a recent friendly match between the Netherlands and Iceland and features a defence that should give encouragement to ordinary players everywhere. North-South vulnerable, dealer West:

mano zia

When Iceland held the East-West cards they bid to five diamonds where declarer collected 11 tricks. When Iceland sat North-South this was the bidding:

subasta zia

East’s bid of 2diamond suit was forcing to game, and West’s double of 3heart suit was for penalty. I should like to report that the defence went as follows: West led the clubK and continued the suit to East’s ace; East gave West a club ruff, then overtook the diamond suitQ with the king to cash a second round of the suit before leading a third round in an attempt to promote a trump for West. This last would not have succeeded, but the penalty of 500 would provide compensation for the non-vulnerable game.

In reality, West led the diamond suitQ and East allowed it to hold the trick. West switched to the clubK, but since that would normally show the king and queen, East overtook with the ace. He continued with the diamond suitK, on which West discarded a spade rather than his second club. Convinced by all of this that West still had the clubQ, East switched to his spade in an effort to cut declarer off from dummy’s second spade winner before East’s trump could be drawn. Winning in dummy, declarer could now have made the contract by finessing the club10, but he tried to cash another spade instead. East ruffed, South over-ruffed and led the heart suitK to West’s ace. Since there was now no entry to dummy for a club finesse, South still had a club loser and the contract was booked for one down. But just as the lead of the clubK had earlier convinced East that West had the queen, so East’s overtaking of the king with the ace convinced West that East had the queen. You can guess the rest – West played a club, and South claimed the contract.