Buenos Aires 2015: Bridge at the Brazilian Embassy by Fernando Lema


Buenos Aires, May 14, 2015

Last night the Ambassador of the Republic of Brazil in Argentina, Don Everton Vargas and his wife Doña Claudia Vargas offered a meal to the Bridge athletes playing for Brazil and Argentina, in the LXV South American Bridge Championship: Buenos Aires 2015.

El Emb. de Brasil Everton Varga,  G. Rona Presidente WBF y M. Caracci Presidente CSB
El Emb. de Brasil Everton Varga, G. Rona Presidente WBF y M. Caracci Presidente CSB
There were three speakers. the first one was the Ambassador who, after some very kind words of welcome he told the story of the Pereda Palace the actual Brazilian embassy home in Argentina. The property was purchased in 1942 to the original owner and as a curiosity he told that the price agreed for the palace was paid in iron.
The second speaker was the WBF President Mr. Gianarrigo Rona who emphasized the great camaraderie among the bridge players during the bridge events, so the bridge forming an instrument of peace for the world.
Assis, Bold, Vargas, Rona Caracci
Assis, Bold, Vargas, Rona, Caracci
Finally spoke the CSB President Don Marcelo Caracci who also stressed the friendship that is renewed every year in the South American bridge community. All  of them were rewarded with enthusiastic applause.
Personally I could admire, once again, the huge number of artworks which is decorated the embassy. After dinner and around midnight all the sportsmen retired to rest to continue today with the last day of the qualifying stage.
On my behalf, and on behalf of the Argentine Bridge Association and the South American Bridge Confederation I want to express our appreciation to Everton and Claudia for the warm reception received.Thank you!