Wroclaw 2016: Friday, September 16th


wroclaw 2016

Four bronze medals were earned on Friday, the prelude to the last three sessions of the Open, Women’s, Senior and Mixed Teams, where four teams are in search of gold. Bronze-medal winners are Poland (Open), 105-92 victors over Spain; China (Women’s), who defeated Scotland 117-67 in their playoff; Denmark (Seniors), winners over Chinese Taipei in two sets, and Bulgaria (Mixed), 142-59 winners over USA. In today’s championship matches, Netherlands-Monaco match is too close to call with the Dutch up by only 6 IMPs with 48 boards to play. In theWomen’s USA leads France 127-84 in the replay of last year’s Venice Cup match in India (France won). The Seniors also features a France-USA match, and the French are ahead 93-58. Russia leads the Netherlands in the Mixed Teams by a score of 71-60. While the teams are fighting it out, players in the pairs events — Open,Women’s, Seniors and Mixed — will play five 10-board sessions today to determine the medal winners.

Teams Last Results: Tomorrow the Gold and the Silver Medals 


Last Ppairs Results


WBF and CsBNews Last videos and Photos and Wroclaw 2016 By Jerry Li

Wroclaw 2016 By Jerry Li