Use the Entry Squeeze


Rome News-Tribune – Jan 31, 1982 by Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag

Today’s hand is an example of a play called «‘entry squezze.» This play was described by Geza Ottlik in a 1967 article in the Bridge World magazine.


Hearts are lead and continued. South win the third lead and plays his ace and queen of clubs. West discards the deuce of diamonds. South had hoped to get to dummy twice with clubs, but East’s nine-eight spoiled this plan.

How can South get this extra entry to dummy?

The answer is that he simply leads his fourth heart and gives West a trick. A diamond is discarded from dummy and East finds himself in real trouble.

East marks South with every missing high card and clearly can’t afford to unguard his queen of spades. It seems silly to chuck either the jack or 10 of diamonds so East Jettisons one of those apparently worthless clubs.

Now South is able to lead his Jack of clubs and overtake with dummy’s king in order to lead a diamond. East plays his 10 or Jack and South wins the trick with his king. The squeeze has provided the seven of clubs as a second entry to dummy to lead a second diamond and establish South’s ninth trick for him.