Saturday July 26th 2014
In Board 42 of the 3rd segment of the Spingold 2014 SemiFinal: Lavazza-Monaco, both teams arrived to the slam using very different approachs.
Board 42
Helgemo-Helness (Monaco Team)
Helness opened with a 1 bid, Helgemo answered 2 (GF), Helness continued with a heart splinter 3, showing a non balanced hand with short hearts. Helgemo supported his partner’s suit and after some cue-bids, East asked keycards and closed the slam when he realized they were one keycard short.
This is the video where Agustin Madala explains how he bidded the hand with his partner Norberto Bocchi:
Madala-Bocchi (Lavazza Team)
Bocchi also opened 1 but in this case Madala used the 2 call, as a relay mechanism to get his partner’s hand shape and strength [ilink url=»»]GAR[/ilink].
Bocchi showed the two black suits and Madala with his 3, denied three spades cards, he would have used the 3 relay to show three cards.
Bocchi’s 3 (1st step) showed a minimum hand, and Madala’s 4 supported his partner’s second suit.
Bocchi-Madala continued to the club slam…