Trick 1: Q, 2, 10, 3.
Trick 2: J, 5, 4, 7.
Trick 3: 8, 6, 9, A.
Now what? Don’t be too hasty.
South plays 1NT and the defence starts with three rounds of hearts. 1NT contracts don’t usually stir the blood, but this one features a play that is the height of elegance.
American Russ Ekeblad found the only play at trick four which makes the contract: he cashed the spade ace. Then he ducked a round of clubs.
East won the club and played the long heart, on which declarer threw his low spade. The defence had no answer – declarer could stop the diamonds, and in the fullness of time, would come to four clubs, two spades and the heart ace.
Now look what happens if you don’t make the far-sighted play of clearing A. If you duck a club, the defence cashes its heart trick and South is squeezed! A low spade discard, followed by a club exit from the defence will result in declarer not having the entries to cash his seven tricks. And any other discard is equally disastrous.