Monaco 2016: Pitching the Spade Ace


Monaco 2016

Sunday, February 7, 2016

1st European Winter Games: Results and Bulletins

51 teams are participating in the inaugural event, including many of the best teams in the world, like Zimmermann, Lavazza…With only one round to classify for the KO stage, the Zimmermann team defeated the De Botton team 40 to 20.

WG2016 R14 Mano 20

 In the last hand at one of the tables Helgemo-Helness settled for a 2NT part score. North led the 7, and Helgemo won in his hand to run the J, losing against South Q doubleton.

A club continuation defeats the contract immediately, but Townsend tried a heart and declarer ended with 9 tricks.WG2016 R14 Mano 20 a

At the other table, E/W risked a 3NT contract.

Multon also led the 7, and Charlsen also won in his hand to run the diamond jack, losing to Zimmermann’s queen.

In this table South returned his partner’s suit (Multon playing his Q to show he was able to run the club suit), declarer won with the ace singleton in dummy and began to run his diamonds … After the first two rounds of diamond where Multon was able to follow the suit, in the third diamond Multon discarded his A showing his partner, how he could reach his hand …

A few tricks later when Zimmermann was in with his K, he had no doubt about what to play…a spade return helped the team to add other 6 IMPs.