HomeYour Bid?

Your Bid?


Salsomaggiore 30 May – 2 June 2015

May 31, 2015

This is a Bidding Test published in the second Italian Mixed teams Championship Bulletin. You will be able to compare your answer with some of the best italian and french players:

MP, all Vulnerable. You are South, and receive:

spade suit 4 heart A J diamond suit K 10 8 3 club A K 9 8 7 4

The bidding starts:

West North East South
1heart 2club
Double* Pass 2spade suit  ?

* Informative

After thinking your answer. Below you can find some of the best players from Italy and France answers:








These are the experts answers:

A. Versace
A. Versace
Double. The Pass it”s too defeatist.
The 2NT is classic (6/4 minors), but I chose double, because once in ten I”ll find my partner with 5 spades and 4 hearts and is better that they play 2spade suit doubled, and all the other times I will compete at the 3 level nbso online casino reviews in a minor. But I do not criticize the two first options (pass and 2NT). 2NT would rather be : spade suit x heart xx diamond suit AQJx club KQJ10xx. 6/4.With playing strength and few defense.

Rodolfo Cerretto
Rodolfo Cerretto
2NT. I think it can / should be interpreted as a hand with clubs and four diamonds.
There is a serious risk of misfit and we could have some problems, but the hand is beautiful and deserves a second voice.

Paolo Clair
Paolo Clair
2NT. A nice hand 6-4 (I am in the limit to say 3diamond suit – if  I had the diamond suitJ instead of the heart jack (?) – but we are vulnerable and must be enough ! partner should not err at all and I hope he will not be timid if he has a diamond fit. Over a probable 4spade suit or 4heart answer I dont know what I will say (si pass or double, probably double).

Chaterine D
Catherine D”ovidio
2NT, shows 6club and 4diamond suit.

Valerio Giubilo
Valerio Giubilo
2NT, shows exactly this distribution

Simoneta Paoluzi
Simoneta Paoluzi
Pass: My partner nust be weak, with al least 4 spades and 4 hearts

Giuliana Pederzoli
Giuliana Pederzoli
Double … I cant find another bid, to pass would be too submissive.



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