Your Bid?


Salsomaggiore April 30th – May 3rd 2015

May 3 2015

This is a Bidding Test published in the second Championship Bulletin. You will be able to compare your answer with some of the best italian and french players:

MP, All Vulnerable. You are South and receive:

spade suit 10 9 4 heart 8 5 diamond suit 3 club K 10 9 6 5 3 2

The bidding:

West North East South
 1spade suit 4heart Pass
Pass Doblo Pass 4spade suit 
5heart Pass Pass ?

After thinking your answer. Below you can find some of the best players from Italy and two players from France answers:










These are the experts answers:

A Madala
A Madala
6club. It seems that my partner has a hand like: 6-4-3-0 or 5-5-3-0 or 5-4-4-0, if not he would have said 4spade suit over the 4heart-Pass-Pass. The Pass is certainly forcing, so with 0 points in hearts, and a seven cards suit with a TOP honor and a singleton, I can not do anything different to report it. He can bid 7 or say 6spade suit.

M. Bessis
M. Bessis
6club. I hope a void after partner’s Pass, but would rather have bid 5club in my first turn.

T. Bessis
T. Bessis
6club! My partner partner has shown enough to double 4heart, but has not doubled the 5th level, so there are many chances that he is void in hearts.
 V. GiubiloV. Giubilo As the quiz has been proposed I say 5spade suit, but I do not feel happy to do so, after having said 4spade suit. I would rather say 5spade suit, after bidding 5club in the first round of the auction.

R. Cerreto
R. Cerreto
6club. The Pass over 5heart is forcing (for me). My partner showed strengt6h and I have a seven cards suit that I didnt show yet.

P. Clair
P. Clair
5spade suit. Honestly I do not know exactly what to do !! So I do not risk to interpret the Pass of my partner. If he has club complement, we will able to make 5spade suit (and N/S hearts), if he has his values in his diamonds we will be down. I’m not going to act shy – stating Pass – therefore I throw 5spade suit – knowing that I’m risking – for two reasons: these doubles at this high levels are to lose or to win, especially because I dont have the courage to attack with my singleton diamond (when there could be two spades and a club trick… ).

M. Moristch
M. Moristch
Pass, because I fear 5spade suit and I think we can defeat 5heart, with a possible diamond ruff.


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