HomeNet SurfingUSBF JR/PRO Charity Team Game

USBF JR/PRO Charity Team Game

December 17th 2014

December 21st at 4PM EST exclusively on Bridge Base Online Vugraph.

Join Bob Hamman, Curtis Cheek, Bart Bramley, Barry Goren, Joe Grue, Larry Cohen (bridge), Michael & Debbie Rosenberg and members of the USBF Junior Training Program on the Shortest Day to support 

Alzheimer’s Association: The Longest Day. 

Visit www.platinumcem.myevent.com/ or contact Lindsey Weinger for more information. — con Bob Hamman y Larry Cohen (bridge).

Lindsey Weinger
Lindsey Weinger

Working with Lindsey Weinger, who powered the BridgeWinners auction and led The Alzheimer’s Association The Longest Day Efforts in NYC, Barry Goren has brought his vision to life.  They’ve created the USBF Jr/Pro Charity Team Game on BBO Vugraph. Adding to the fun– special guests Larry Cohen, Joe Grue, Michael & Debbie Rosenberg will provide live commentary.

Join us on the Shortest Day to support the Longest Day – December 21st at 4PM EST on BBO Vugraph.    

With your help we can continue to bring you bridge related events – charity games, auctions and raffles – but we need your participation. 

We look forward to seeing you there! ♥.

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