HomeIntermediate @enTheir weak spot By A. Sheinwold

Their weak spot By A. Sheinwold

The Lewiston Daily Sun – 19 May 1965

When the opponents bid three suits but never suggest NT you may usually assume; that the unbid suit is their weak spot. Lead the unbid suit on the principle that the opening lead, should attack weakness, not strength.

North dealer, Both sides vulnerable

Opening lead — 2

West paved the way for his own downfall when he failed to open diamonds, the unbid suit. A diamond lead would develop four tricks fur the defender: two diamonds and their two aces. The actual heart opening lead allowed South to make his contract. South played the jack of hearts from dummy at the first trick, losing to the queen, un able to attack diamonds from his side of the table, East returned a trump.

Declarer won in dummy with the king of clubs, ruffed a heart, and drew two rounds of trumps. Then he led a spade to dummy’s king. East wisely refused the trick, whereupon South ruffed another heart, dropping East’s ace.

Gets To Dummy

Declarer next led another spade. East had to take the ace this time, since otherwise dummy could cash a good heart. But now East could not keep dummy out of the lead. If East returned a spade, dummy would obviously gain the lead with a high spade. When East desperately returned a low diamond, declarer let it ride around to dummy’s queen. The rest was easy. West might have had reason to fear a diamond opening lead if his diamonds had been headed by the king, but there was nothing dangerous about leading from J-x-x-x when the bidding made it clear that the opponents had nothing much in the suit.

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