HomeCard Play @enThe Impossible Takes a little Longer

The Impossible Takes a little Longer

Source: The BedSide Book By Tony Forrester 

John Collings
John Collings

How would you recommend declarer to play AJ986432 of trumps opposite a void so as to lose no tricks? impossible …

Now watch John Collings in action: North/South Game. Dealer South.


The bidding went:aaxx

(1) Give him benefit of the doubt this time. (2) not any longer!

The king of clubs was led. John played the ace and calmly led the ace of diamonds so that he could discard his non-existent club losers. Quick as a flash east ruffed with the five and declarer resignedly over-ruffed. A spade to the ace so that the king of diamonds could be led. East was not going to be caught, however, so again he ruffed low, declarer over-ruffed and entered dummy with the king of spades. The queen of diamonds came next and once again East ruffed low. John overruffed and cashed the ace of hearts felling both the king and queen.

“We were lucky the trumps broke, partner,” said John.

Hard though it is to believe, this is a true story from a very high stake rubber bridge game in London.

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