Here are the profiles for the Brazilian team.
 Felipe Vasallo: Felipe, 23, is a math student from São Paulo. He goes to the same university as three of his teammates, where they play a lot of King in their spare time. He started to play Bridge in 2007 and is very enthusiastic about learning new bidding systems. He is also the captain of the Brazilian team.
 Rafael Dias: Rafael, 24, is a statistics student from São Paulo. He also plays a lot of King, and, like Tais, his first time actually playing Bridge was the South American tournament earlier this year.
 Stefano Tomasini: Stefano, 20, is a computer science student from São Paulo. He learned to play Bridge with his grandfather in 2006. He also plays a lot of King at school. In this tournament, Stefano is playing with four different partners, and with each of them he plays a different system!
Tais Bataggia: Tais, 19, is a math student from São Paulo as well. She has always been an avid King player, but
the first time she participated in a Bridge tournament was actually in March 2012, when she represented
Brazil in the South American Championships and qualified the team for this event!
  Paulo Vitor da Rosa:Paulo, 24, is an international relations student from Porto
Alegre and a professional player of and writer about the game Magic: the Gathering. He learned to play
Bridge in 2006, though he has only played sporadically since then. Cheers!
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