HomeBridge Sports @enThe 2015 Reykjavik Bridge Festival

The 2015 Reykjavik Bridge Festival

Sunday, february 1st

The Reykjavik Bridge Festival 2015

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This year the 2015 Reykjavik Bridge Festival was played from January 29th to February 1st at the Icelandair Hotels Reykjavik Natura.

Astro: ÓLAFSSON Kristinn,  BALDURSSON Jón,  EYDE Mads,  BILDE Dennis
EYDE Mads, BILDE Dennis

The festival opened on January 28th with “The Star Wars” teams tournament, and was played by 20 teams. The event was won by the ASTRO team (ÓLAFSSON Kristinn, Baldursson Jón, EYDE Mads, BILDE Dennis), second was the ESJA gæðafæði team (JÓNSSON Karl Omar, GUNNARSSON Rúnar, Eiriksson Sveinn Rúnar and Magnús Magnússon E) and third Logoflex team (Adalsteinn Jörgensen, Steinberg Ríkharðsson, Guðmundur Baldursson, Steinar Jónsson). Click Here to view all results.

The second tournament was a Pairs event, from 29th to 31th January, with a field of 148 pairs from around the world.

Zia jugando en Rejkiavik 2015
Zia jugando en el
F. de Rejkiavik 2015

There was a significant presence of champions, including Zia Mahmood playing with Andrew Robson. Nevena Senior from England, Peter Bertheau from Sweden playing with Gunnar Hallberg, Tom Hanlon – John Carroll form Ireland. Janet de Botton – Artur Malinowski from England. Brian Senior – Sandra Penfold from England.

Michael Gromoeller, Martin Redher
Michael Gromoeller, Martin Redher

Finally a pair from Germany Michael Gromoeller РMartin Rehder won the event with the 59.8%. Second was a local pair A̡alsteinn J̦rgensen РBjarni H Einarsson and third Thor Erik Hoftaniska РThomas Charlesen. All the positions Click Here.

After the pairs event, the festival continued with an Open Teams Tournament, played from January 29th to February 1st.

The field was composed of 90 teams, and at the end of the first day of play a team from Germany was leading the field: Gronaldo (GROMOELLER Michael, REHDER Martin, KASIMIR Udo, JOKISCH Peter) was first with 129 VP.

Two teams were second with 10 VP less: Denmark ( EYDE Mads, BILDE Dennis, HOUMÖLLER Jonas, HAGEN Anders) and Janet de Botton (DE BOTTON Janet, MALINOWSKI Artur, HOFTANISKA Thor Erik, CHARLESEN Thomas).

Denmark team   Gronland team
Equipo Denmark   equipo gronland 

At the end of the second and last day the winner was the Janet de Botton team, second Denmark and third Gronaldo.

All the results Click Here

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