HomeIntermediate @enSilence is Golden By Alfred Sheinwold

Silence is Golden By Alfred Sheinwold

The Lewiston Daily Sun – 11 Sep 1981

Some people have a great talent for speaking when they should keep quiet. Perhaps this happens only at the bridge table.

North dealer Both sides vulnerable

Opening lead — 3

East took the ace of diamonds and returned the ten. South’s only chance to make the hand was to ruff with the ten, and he did so. West overruffed and led the deuce of spades for East to ruff. Back came a club to the king. another spade ruff, the ace of clubs, a club ruff, and a third spade ruff.


South was down five before he won a single trick!

“The idiots forgot to double,” he remarked cheerfully.

The opponents were even more cheerful because South’s talent for talking at the wrong time had saved them. South should pass four diamonds because he has very little new information for his partner. Also because North may well have important information for him. North would be happy to double four diamonds, and East-West would pay a penalty of 800 or 1100 points instead of collecting 400 points.

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