HomeBridge Sports @enPre-Montecatini Day 2 By Fernando Lema

Pre-Montecatini Day 2 By Fernando Lema

Rome, June 9, 2017

Yesterday we had breakfast early and went out with Mario to walk Rome.

First the obligatory visit to the square of San Pedro, innumerable amount of tourists were directed to the square so, with patience, we walked by the paved roman streets, arriving at our first destination, breakfast in piazza Venezia where we met with Robin Fellus.

La Fontana di Trevi
Fontana di Trevi

Second stop: La Fontana di Trevi. This fountain is the largest (with about 40 meters in front), the most ambitious and the most famous of the monumental fountains of the Italian Baroque. The fountain is located at the intersection of three streets (tre vie), marking the end point of “Aqua Vergine”, one of the ancient aqueducts that supplied water to Rome.

The custom of throwing coins: A traditional legend holds that visitors throwing a coin to the fountain ensure their return to Rome. Another version of this legend is that it brings luck throwing three coins with the right hand over the left shoulder, I threw three.

Always walking we passed the Colosseum and arrived at the “Circus Maximus”. It was the largest circus created under the command of the fifth king of Rome, Lucio Tarquino, was a carriages stadium of the ancient Rome. Located in the valley between the Aventine and Palatine mountains. It was the largest circus of ancient Roman civilization.

After a pause we went to “The Mouth of Truth”, tells the legend about this monument that the one who lies loses the hand when introducing it in the mouth. Robin already had a question to ask me while I had my hand in the mouth, but luckily as there were many tourists doing the line we left the subject for another occasion.

Templo de las Vestales
Templo de las Vestales

The Temple of Vestals: My tour guide Robin told me that according to him this should be the most important place in Rome. Why? Here the legend says that the god Mars begot the twins Romulo and Remo.

Ahhh and afterwards a wolf fed them, I said…and it was here where I received an explanation simple and unknown to me. Robin told me that “The Wolf” was an animal and was also the way to call the prostitutes of that time. Interesting!.

Finally and always walking, we passed the monument to Giordano Bruno and then we arrived at the Ghetto of Rome and the great Synagogue, there and in the afternoon we made a stop to eat and recover, always under the eyes of Robin that at every step had a new story to tell me.

At last walking back to Trastevere which is a neighborhood in the historic center of Rome to Mario’s home. It was almost dark when my hosts cooked octopus! what a treat! And then we went out for a coffee. Early tomorrow we leave for Montecatini.

Many thanks to Robin and to Mario for having been the best tour guides I could have had here in Rome and chao Rome … where I will surely return to … if the Trevi Fountain does not fail me.

But I am one of the many who are enjoying a few days in Italy before diving into the bridge of the Open European Championships, Montecatini 2017.

Thus publishes Migry Sur Campanile on his facebook: (click the image to see all the fotos)


Tonje Brogeland; Toasting with her husband:


Others tell us that they are already on the way to Montecatini:


Just arrived to Montecatini!!!…tomorrow I will tell you more…

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