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Medellin 2016: Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee By Ana Roth

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Medellin, June 4, 2016

Ali with The Beatles
Ali with The Beatles

Today is a sad day for the world sport, 74-year-old Muhammad Ali died today. He was three times world champion and won 56 of his 61 professional fights. There were many who today paid tribute, including Barack Obama, the President of the United States said: “He stood with King and Mandela, stood up when it was hard, spoke out when others wouldn’t.  Muhammad Ali shook up the world. And the world is better for it. We are all better for it.”.

 These are some of his inspirational quotes:

  • I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’
  • Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Deslizate como una mariposa, pica como una abeja.
  • I don’t have to be what you want me to be. I’m free to be what I want.
  • The man who has no imagination has no wings.

The video: at the end of the fight against Ringo Bonavena (ARG):

1970-12-07 : Muhammad Ali 212 lbs beat Oscar Bonavena 204 lbs by TKO at 2:03 in round 15 of 15. Location: Madison Square Garden, New York, New York, USA. Bonavena was knocked down three times in the 15th round, forcing an automatic stoppage under the three-knockdown rule. It was the only time Bonavena was stopped in his 68-fight pro career.

Bonavena was the argentine boxer who quote: “Experience is a comb that life gives you, when you are bald”.

How much experience did you earn during this South American Championship?

After nearly a week of play today ended the South American Bridge Teams Open Championships in their categories Open and Ladies.

Open Final:

Milner Ortega
med 2016 Milner Med Ortega

Join me in a quick review of some of the last hands:

med 2016 Tab 20

Match Milner-Ortega; Set 2/4 Board 20

Pepsi opened his hand with 2NT; Justin started with a game level transfer, and continued asking keycards, when he heard two, he declared the spade slam…Declarer lost one trump and scored +1430. At the other table E/W only arrived to game.med 2016 tab 26

Board 26 

 At one of the tables Pepsi, after two pass, opened 4 and scored +450. At the other table Sabourin after two pass, chose to open 1. This gave the oportunity for a 2NT from Auken, showing minors.  Huang pass and Welland chose diamonds, Sabourin repeated his spades and after two pass Welland reopened showing now club support as well. Auken chose to play a partscore in diamonds…Declarer made 11 tricks, and the hand gave them 13 IMPs.

A spectacular hand from Match Milner-Ortega; Set 3/4med 2016 tab 12 1

Board 12 

6 was the contract at the two Ladies final tables and that was the contract for the other Open table. Dwyer – Huang urged by points saw the oportunity and declared the Grand Slam, the card’s Gods smiled.

Lead: 7

Declarer ruffed the lead and played a spade to the  9…and WON the trick!!! He set up the club suit and claimed his contract for 11 IMPs.

Ladies Final:

NOS Hayman
Nos med 2016 hayman

Match Nos-Hayman; Set 3/4med 2016 tab 6

Board 6

 David opened in 4th position with 1, Dufrat showed her heartas and Mello defines the contract with 1NT.

Lead: 6

Declarer make the first trick, cashed a high club, and played a diamond. Sarniak after winning with her ace, played a heart. Dufrat run her hearts and continued with a spade, the rest were for Mello.

At the other table, North opened 1 and the final contract was 3 done. A push.

 Board 10 Med 2016 tab 10

Leda Pain opened 1NT, Hayman doubled…End of story…

Lead: J

Declarer won the trick and played J. After winning the trick she switched to the 5 and the 9 won the fourth. Now came a spade to the queen.

Hayman played her A and left her hand playing the 10…Pain made 5 tricks more and gave the last three, to score 9 tricks and +580. At the other table East played 2NT done.

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