Photo: Tim Bourke; Source: Canberra Summer Festival of Bridge 2013
Dealer West, Â E-W Vul.
10 9 7 6
A Q 2
K J 5 4
Q 3
K J 6 3
A Q 10 6
A 10 7 5
Oeste | Norte | Este | Sur |
Pass | 1 | Pass | 1 |
1 | Doblo* | Pass | 4 |
Fin | Â | Â | Â |
North’s double on the second round promised three-card heart support. As you like an adventurous life, you decide to leap to game in hearts despite knowing that you will have only a 4-3 trump fit. West begins with two top spades and East signals with two small cards to indicate a three-card suit. How do you plan to make ten tricks?
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