If the bidding begins a major (1) and responder makes a simple raise (2), opener is in charge. If opener has a minimum hand, opener passes. If opener has a maximum hand, opener bids game.
If opener has a medium hand (about a king extra) and needs help in a suit, opener bids that suit to ask responder if that’s the suit she has high cards and/or extreme shortness.
If the opener has a strong second suit (3+ cards) and a weak second suit (3+ cards), the help suit game try is made in the weaker suit. This bid is 100% forcing – it cannot be passed. If responder has a clear maximum, he should bid game. If responder is in doubt and has no help, responder returns to 3 of the agreed major suit. NOTE: the partnership can
stop below game. If responder has help, responder either bids 4 of the agreed major or raises the help suit with 4 or 5 great ones.
Examples |  Opener  |  | 1)Responder |  | 2) Responder |
 | 1       |  | 2 |  | 2 |
 | 3 |  | 3  |  | 4 |
 | AK9865 AK7 7 J87 |
 | 1042 J42 KJ93 Q63 |
 | Q42 432 1095 KQ63 |
Note that help suit game tries also apply when responder bids a major and is raised to 2 of that major and responder bids a new suit, for example,
1 – 1
2 – 3 (invitational about 10-11 HCP – need help in )
Opener bids 3 to decline the invitation or 4 to accept the invitation.
GAME TRIES HOPING TO GET TO 3NT (When bidding & raising minors)
If the bidding begins a minor (1) and responder makes a simple raise (2) or limit raise (3), opener is in charge. If opener has a minimum hand, opener passes. If opener has a maximum hand, opener bids game in NT or the minor. If opener has a medium hand and wants to try to get to 3NT, opener bids his cheapest suit with a solid stopper or concentration of honors to ask responder if he has stopper(s) and can bid NT directly or show game interest and a stopper by bidding that new suit he has stopped. All new suit bids are 100% forcing – they cannot be passed. If responder has a clear maximum and stoppers, he should bid game in NT or the minor with great distribution.
If responder is in doubt, responder returns to 3 or 4 of the agreed minor suit.
NOTE: the partnership can stop below game.
Examples |  Opener  |  | 1)Responder |  | 2) Responder |
 | 1      |  | 3 |  | 3 |
 | 3 |  | 3NT |  | 4 |
 | K9 AK7 AJ10742 87 |
 | Q102 94 KQ963 K103 |
 | 43 QJ2 KQ963 Q63 |
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