The Tuscaloosa News – 10 Feb 2002Â
Geir Helgemo of Norway, who many believe to be the world’s most talented player, is 31 but has been winning major titles since his days as a junior. Helgemo was a stalwart of the Norwegian team that finished second to the United States —barely — in the 2001 Bermuda Bowl in Paris last November. Like many of history’s great players, Helgemo has a reputation for bringing home contracts that look impossible.
In today’s deal from a match in the qualifying rounds in Paris, Norway vs. Poland, making 3NT would have required no great skill. But Helgemo, South, landed at a perilous contract of four hearts after North displayed questionable judgment in the auction.
West led the four of clubs in accordance with his opening-lead style, and Helgemo won in dummy and tried a diamond to his king. West took the ace and led another club to dummy. Helgemo seemed sure to fail, losing three trump tricks, but he must have sensed the foul trump break. He continued with the queen of clubs, over-ruffing when East ruffed, a diamond ruff, a spade to the ace, a diamond ruff, the king of spades and a spade ruff. West overruffed and got out with a diamond, and Helgemo ruffed for his eighth trick.
It was then trick 11, and Helgemo was left with the A-Q-8 of trumps. He led the eight, and West had to win and lead a trump from his KJ into declarer’s A-Q, conceding the contract.
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