HomeBridge HandsGoren on Bridge

Goren on Bridge

The Victoria Advocate – 24 Ene 1964

East-West vulnerable. East deals.

Opening lead: 4

The bidding sequence in today’s hand was brief and to the point. East was looking at 10 winners in his own hand, and, holding only one card in the major suits, was not intitled to afford the enemy easy access to the bidding; he therefore opened with a call of five clubs. It was natural for South to contest with a call of five hearts. East feeling that he had given his all decided to withdraw from the bidding.

West opened the four of clubs and declarer’s ace took  the trick. A trump was led to the king on which East discarded a club. South played the king of diamonds next. East was in with the ace, and he returned a club. Declarer ruffed with the eight of hearts and West overruffed with the nine. The queen of hearts subsequently took the setting trick.

It would have done declarer no good to trump the club return with the ten of hearts. West can establish two trump tricks for himself by refusing to overruff and taking a discard instead. South’s error came much earlier when he released North’s king of hearts while the ace of diamonds was still outstanding. If declarer drives out the ace of diamonds first, the defense will be unable to get at him.

East is in for the first and only time and, if he comes back with a club, North’s king of hearts provides South with adequate protection against an overruff. With any other return, declarer proceeds to drive out the queen of hearts, and when he finishes drawing trump he can discard his losing spade on the queen of diamonds.

That East might have a 10 card suit was a strong likelihood on the bidding, and South should have taken out protection against a bad trump break which under the circumstances was no less remote a prospect.


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