HomeLibraryAdvanced @enExchanging One Trick for Another by Terence Reese

Exchanging One Trick for Another by Terence Reese

Declarer can sometines keep a dangerous defender out of the lead by giving up a trick in one suit in exchange for a trick in another.

Dealer West All Vul

 K 8 5
 8 5 2
 A 4
 K J 7 3 2
 A Q 10 9 4
 K Q J 8 5
 8 4
 10 7 3
 J 3
 10 7 6 3 2
 Q 10 5
 A Q J 6 4 2
 K 7 6
 A 9 6

The Auction:

West North East South
1 Pass Pass 1
2 3 Pass 4
Pass Pass Pass

Lead: K

West leads K and it is not difficult to see that South is threatened with the loss of a club and three heart tricks. He would like to be able to establish club winners without letting East in to play a heart through the King.

This is neatly accomplished by playing a low diamond for dummy on the first trick. Say that two high tumps from hand, then Ace and King of clubs and a club ruff, he returns to dummy with K and discards two hearts on the established clubs, making an overtirck.

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