HomeLibraryConventionsConventions: Jump Ball

Conventions: Jump Ball

Source: http://www.bridgeguys.com

Jump Ball Defense Method

The origin of this conventional method is unknown. The designation can be either two words or one word as in Jump Ball or Jumpball. The concept behind this conventional method is to employ it after an opponent has opened the auction with 1 No Trump.

The range of the No Trump bid should be determined and/or announced before implementing Jump Ball since the values have to be adjusted accordingly by the intervening bidder.The holding of the intervenor should be of a distributional pattern in order to justify an overcall.

The distribution can be a one-suited holding, a two suited holding, or natural. The following outline shows the general guidelines for the Jump Ball defense method. The reader should be aware that, as with all defense methods, there is a certain element of risk inherent if the values are considered minimum. The recommendation is that a consistent evaluation method be applied by the partnership before employment.

Double: This call is artificial and alertable. When the partner of the No Trump bidder passes, then the advancer is required to bid 2, which is a so-called puppet bid. The intervenor, following a pass by the No Trump bidder, then clarifies his holding according to the following guidelines:

Pass: Promises a one-suited holding in Clubs.
2: Shows a red two-suited holding: Diamonds and Hearts.
2Heart: Shows a two-suited holding in both Major suits.
2: Promises a one-suited holding in Spades and otherwise additional values in side suits.
2 bid is artificial and alertable. It is a multi-purpose bid and promises either a one-suited holding in Diamonds or a two-suited holding in Clubs and an unspecified Major suit. The advancer is required to bid 2. The following rebids by the intervenor clarifies his holding:

Pass: The intervenor holds a one-suited holding in Diamonds. If passed out the advancer becomes the declarer.
2: This rebid by the intervenor shows a two-suited holding in Hearts and Clubs.
2: This rebid by the intervenor shows a two-suited holding in Spades and Clubs.
2: Promises a two-suited holding with Diamonds and Spades.
2: This overcall is natural and competitive. Promises at least a 6-card Heart suit or a 5-card Heart suit with at least 2.5 to 3 winning tricks. The overcall is non-forcing for the advancer.
2: This overcall is natural and competitive. Promises at least a 6-card Spade suit or a 5-card Spade suit with at least 2.5 to 3 winning tricks. The overcall is non-forcing for the advancer.
2NT: This overcall promises a holding containing both Minor suits. The advancer bids Clubs if Clubs is the preferred suit and Diamonds if Diamonds is the preferred suit.

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