HomeNet SurfingChris Willenken and Paul Hackett were on BTCC June 3 2012

Chris Willenken and Paul Hackett were on BTCC June 3 2012

Paul Hackett

Sunday June 3rd 2012 Chris Willenken (USA) and Paul Hackett (England) will be guests on BTCC, the new web-tv programme produced by BridgeTopics.com and Neapolitan Club. Mr. Willenken and Mr.

Chris Willenken by Peg Kaplan

Hackett will talk about their bridge carreers. They both belong to a select group of higly successfull bridge professionals. The link to BTTC is http://www.livestream.com/BTCC . The broadcasting – both in English and Italian language – starts at 8 pm CET (Greenwich +2).

Tonight is our third talk show. In the first two shows ir guests were Soert Brink, Norberto Bocchi, Roalnd Wald and Maurizio di Sacco. Bridge lovers from all over the world are very welcome to watch the show. The audience is invited to participate the discussions on any bridge subject they like. So in case  you want to talk (or chat) on our show yourself, please send a Skype request to BTCChannel (our Skype name) and BTCC will contact you and connect you to the live show. For those who do not have Skype, the following instructions will help you download it. Click here: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-gb/get-skype/. Choose the appropriate version to your operative system, click on it and follow the instructions that will appear. Once installed, add to the contact list: BTCChannel.

BTCC is a co-production of BridgeTopics.com and Neapoltitan Club. We plan to broadcast a weekly one hour show on a fixed day and time. We feel that 8 pm Central European might be a good option as it is convenient for the greater part of the world. Don’t hesitate to share your views and ideas about our shows and websites.

This and more you find on BridgeTopics.com, the website stuffed with interesting hands and daily news. This Newsletter is merely a service to keep our community members updated. No worries, you are not committed to anything. We would appreciate it if you would forward this Newsletter to your bridge friends or bridge club.


Jan van Cleeff

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