Lawrence Journal-World – 16 Jun 1994 by Steve Becker
Dear Mr. Becker: Many years ago I played in a rubber bridge game and held the West hand. The passage of time has blunted my memory and I don’t recall the bidding, but I do remember that the contract was six notrump played by South. I likewise remember the hand, card for card, because of the indelible impression it made upon me at the time. It was the luckiest hand I ever encountered. I led a spade and South took partner’s king with the ace. He played a diamond to the ten, which won, followed by a club to the ten, which also won. There would be no point in belaboring you with the rest of the play because, as you can see, every double finesse worked and South made all 13 tricks — in fact, he had a trick to spare at the end.
Well, believe it or not, I was playing rubber bridge the other day and picked up the South hand. I recognized it at once as the very same hand held against me so many years ago. Trembling with excitement, I opened a club, and when partner responded with a diamond I was certain this was the identical hand that has haunted me through the years. So I jumped to seven notrump, and when West doubled, I redoubled. West led the heart deuce and this proved to be the complete deal:
It was the unluckiest hand I ever encountered in all my experience! Every double finesse lost and I made only my four aces — down 5,200!
Sorrowfully yours, John Zilch.