HomeBridge & HumorBridge & Humor: One of us is definitely getting older by David...

Bridge & Humor: One of us is definitely getting older by David Berkowitz

Source: IBPA Bulletins, October 1999.

I want to thank everyone who has wished me a happy birthday. I was considering my advanced age when I looked across the table and watched Larry Cohen, who recently turned 40, fidgeting with his glasses, having problems getting them focused. Perhaps that explains Board 10 from the second Blue Ribbon session against Lew Stansby and Steve Weinstein.

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A Strong Club sequence landed us in 3NT from East, and Stansby led a diamond. Now the pin holding Larry’s glasses together fell out and everybody was trying to put them back together. Larry won the diamond, squinted a bit, crossed to his spade and floated the club10. He then led a club to the jack, cashed the ace and claimed five. He stated that he would unblock the diamonds, play a spade to his hand, cash the diamondQ and finish the spades. Five spades, three diamonds and three clubs make 11. As he worked on his spectacles, the opponents informed him that the spades were 5- 0, Larry having missed the discard (a red card yet!). But look! On the fifth spade (his stated line) Weinstein had to win and give the declarer the heartK. Making five, as advertised. Shades of the Rueful Rabbit! I leave it to the reader to determine which one of us is handling his old age better.

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