HomeBridge & HumorBridge & Humor: Bigot Declares War on Slow Players

Bridge & Humor: Bigot Declares War on Slow Players


Plagued with so many slow players turning up for duplicate sessions at the Slaughter House Bridge Club , TDs were struggling to get through even 20 boards in the scheduled 3 hour slots.


Not surprisingly Chairman Bigot-Johnson decided enough was enough, and that drastic action was called for. As far as he was concerned ” these buggers ” needed to be savagely exposed , ridiculed and humiliated. And the way to do it was to name and shame these perennial sinners.


Each of them would be compelled to wear a massive name tag to reflect and define the nature and extent of their slow play. Tags currently in circulation are listed below :


Mr. y Mrs Plod                            Standstill                                   Not At Home
Brain Dead                                  Inertia Man                               Mind Elsewhere
The Dullards                               Hangnail                                   Gone Walkabout
Foot Draggers                              The Laggards                           Missing Presumed dead
Huff and Puff                               Flat Tyre                                   Absent Without Leave
Motionless                                   In Shutdown                            Lost In Space
Rooted                                          The Dawdlers                           Brain On Standby
Wet Paint                                     Lobotomy Man                        Away with The Fairies
Lifeless                                          Dilly and Dally                        On Another Planet
Laid Back                                      Almost Horizontal                  In Limbo
Freeze Frame                               Comatose                                  Half Asleep
Rigor Mortis                                 Not All Here                             Fast Asleep
First Gear                                     In Neutral                                  Back In 5 Minutes
Handbrake On                            Brakes Full On                          Back In 10 Minutes
No Acceleration                          In Reverse                                 Hardly Any Pulse


And guess what ? The tagging has already produced two positive outcomes.  Many of the slow pokes immediately started to speed up their play , while others left the club. Happy days are back again !

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