I was watching a few hands played in an expert team game on BBO yesterday. At both tables the East-West pair had some problems bidding this hand.
Nobody was vulnerable and South started it off with a pass. West opened with 1. Here is what happened at one table. Let’s follow along as East.
West | North | East | South |
 |  |  | pass |
1 | pass | 2 | 2 |
3 | pass | 3 | pass |
3 | pass | 4 | pass |
5 | pass | ? | Â |
East 2 bid was game forcing and West 3 showed a good hand with diamonds and clubs. East showed diamond support and West’s 3 bid showed a first or second round spade control. I like East’s 4 bid. It suggests to me that East is still looking for controls. You might ask why East doesn’t just bid Blackwood since if he has enough aces slam is quite a good possibility. We will see why in a minute. What would you do over 5?
West had bid all he had. The heart void didn’t look that great. So he signed off in the diamond game. And now I think East made a mistake. He bid the slam anyway.
West KJ2 – AK1043 K9763 |
 | East 7 AKQ985 QJ82 Q10 |
Now let’s see what happened at the other table.  [ilink url=”http://teachbridge.com/blog/?p=218″]Click Here to continue reading[/ilink]
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