- Vugraph Games. Those using the new BBO version can choose to start tables that use vugraph deals. Click on Start a table > Start an IMP table > Set deal source for your table then Start table. If you choose “Randomly selected Vugraph deals” you will receive a set of 16 hands randomly selected from all the vugraph records in our published archive.<img src="" alt="Start a Vugraph casino online Game” />
If you are still using the old version, you cannot start a table by yourself, but will be able to play at these special tables.
- Rotate Deals. The Hand Editor tool now has the option to rotate deals any way you need (for example, rotate West, the declarer, to appear as South).Â
- Alerted bids are outlined in redin the bidding history and the bid box. In addition, bids that contain explanations are shaded in yellow as always. So you can now tell by looking at a bid whether it was alerted, explained, or both. For example, in the hand diagram below:
1♣ was alerted, no explanation
2♥ was alerted and had an explanation
3♦ was not alerted and had an explanation
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