HomeNet SurfingBBO: Sport Accord World Mind Games On-Line Event

BBO: Sport Accord World Mind Games On-Line Event

Source: BBONews
Plan on bridging a lot in September!

The Sport Accord World Mind Games will once again be held in China this December, and like last year, Mr Jose Damiani (Chairman Emeritus of the World Bridge Federation and President of the International Mind Sports Association) has managed to secure 2 awesome prizes for BBOers. 2 BBOers will be selected for a free trip to China to attend the 2012 World Mind Games, including an opportunity to play with the world”s top Bridge players and a plaque to commemorate the experience.

To get a shot at the prize, play in tournaments throughout September and do well in them. The better you do in casino online the tournaments, the better your chance of being selected will be. Details will be announced soon.

Megaprize #1: All expenses paid trip to China for 1 lucky player who did well in select tournaments in September.

Megaprize #2: All expenses paid trip to China for 1 lucky junior player (under 25 y/o). All juniors must register their name and a few other details like birthday to qualify for this second chance.

In addition, BB$ will be awarded to runner-ups.

BBO”s two representatives last year had a blast. They are Open winner Bowsnot (Jane Wiltshire from South Africa) and Junior winner Oero (Mike Propas from Canada). Click here to read their story.

Get ready for the SportAccord World Mind Games BBO qualifying event in September!


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