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Avoiding a Squezze by Oswald and Jim jacoby

 The Telegraph – Mayo 23, 1983

Oswald: ”One of the most interesting ways to defend against a squeeze in two suits is to discard a trump in order to retain protection in both your suits”.

Jim: “This isn’t really a trump discard. More properly it is an underruff with a trump that is always going to be use less.”aa

Oswald: “North’s double of four clubs was for takeout although he would not be unhappy if partner elected to leave it in. South’s four no-trump I call was Blackwood although most experts play It with some other mean. Ina In this situation.”

Jim: “In any event North was a good soldier. He bid five hearts to show his two aces. South looked , over his 20 high-card points and made what we consider an overbid. His spades were solid, but he held only four of them.” Oswald:”South took his ace of clubs and led two trumps. Then he studied for a longtime and finally decided West had to have an eight card club suit for his four level preempt. So he ruffed a club with dummy’s 10 of trumps.”

Jim: “Now It was East’s turn to think. Finally, he decided he could not an ford to throw either a heart or diamond and carefully underruffed.”

Oswald: “This under-ruff or trump discard cooked South’s goose. When he led out his last two trumps. dummy had to discard before East, who simply copied  dummy’s discard and set the grand slam.”

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