HomeLibraryAdvanced @enArtistic player uses imagination By Alfred Sheinwold

Artistic player uses imagination By Alfred Sheinwold

The Dispatch – 19 Ene 1978

If you compare what actually happened with what you hear about a bridge hand from the players, you appreciate the art of story telling. You may also begin to wonder about history books.

West dealer East-West vulnerable

Opening lead —  K

South ruffed the third spade, cashed the top diamonds and ruffed a diamond in dummy. He cashed dummy’s aces and led a club from dummy. West won with the jack and tried to cash the king of clubs. South ruffed, drew a round of trumps and gave up one trump trick, claiming his contract.

‘You should step up with the queen of clubs.” told West, “and then lead the queen of spades. You get two trump tricks instead of only one.”


Everybody looked accusingly at East, but I broke in again.

“You should make the contract anyway.” I told South. “After you’ve ruffed the diamond and cashed dummy’s two aces, lead dummy’s last spade instead of a club. Throw your nine of clubs and now the defense can’t hurt you”

The next day the South player told another friend how he had played this hand, he got dramatic as he described his play of dummy’s last spade.

‘It might be a good hand for your column,” he remarked as he closed his artistic narration. “It might teach your readers a good lesson.”

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