HomeBridge Sports @enAllfrey team wins Premier League

Allfrey team wins Premier League

ebulogoAllfrey TeamSource: EBU 

The team of Alexander Allfrey, David Bakhshi, Mike Bell, Tony Forrester, David Gold & Andrew Robson have won Division 1 of the Premier League.

They started the final weekend narrowly behind the Rosen team, but a clean sweep in their final seven matches saw them take the title by a comfortable margin. The team of Frances Hinden, Jeffrey Allerton, Chris Jagger, Graham Osborne & Ian Pagan moved up in to second place, 44 VPs behind the winners. The Rosen team and De Botton team were a few VPs back in third and fourth.

The victory means the Allfrey team have earned the chance to represent England on one weekend of the 2017 Camrose trophy, and to play in the 2017 Champions Cup. They have also moved to the top of the standings in the Player of the Year Competition.

Division 2 was won by Sandra Penfold, Ben Green, John Holland, Brian Senior & Nevena Senior. They finished just 1.27 VPs ahead of the team of Simon Gillis, Simon Cope, Peter Crouch, Alan Mould & Gary Hyett. The Harris team was third, and the Pryor team fourth.

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