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A True Belladonna by Victor Mollo

Giorgio Belladonna
Giorgio Belladonna

Few players are so often in the limelight as Giorgio Belladonna. Somehow he seems to hold the right cards at the right time when the right people are kibitzing.

The deal shown here was played in the European Championship, Ostende 1965.

West leads the 5, against South 4 contract. How can declarer win the contract against any distribution of spposing cards?


J 9
K 4
J 10 8 7 6
A 7 6 4

K 4
Q 10 8 7
K 9 5
K Q 9 3


A 9 6 5
Q 4 3 2
J 10 8 2


A Q 10 8 7 6 5 3
J 3 2

Belladonnas’s answer?

Cross to the A, and lead a heart way from the king!!!.

This ensures that declarer will either score a heart ruff or will build a natural heart trick.

No other line is fool proof.


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