HomeLibraryAdvanced @enA "Suicide" Squeeze by E. McKenney

A “Suicide” Squeeze by E. McKenney

The Pittsburgh Press – 23 Mar 1937

Lee Hazen y Dick Frey
Lee Hazen and Dick Frey

A RATHER interesting variety of the “suicide” squeeze is illustrated in today’s hand, which was played by Lee Hazen of New York, sitting North, with Mrs. Hazen as his partner. The “suicide” squeeze is the play by which one defending player is squeezed on a trick taken by the other. The bidding is a trifle optimistic, but not entirely unreasonable.

aaxxThe opening lead of the queen of hearts was won with the king. The ace of clubs was led and then a small club, which dropped the queen, and won in dummy with the king.

Three rounds of clubs were played. West discarded two diamonds. Declarer threw one heart and one diamond. East parted with two hearts and one spade.

Now three rounds of spades were cashed, followed by the ace of hearts. At this point, East held the jack of hearts and the king and queen of diamonds. In the dummy were the ace and nine of diamonds and the six of hearts.

Declarer now led the four of spades, and East was squeezed. To discard a heart would establish the six in dummy and to play a diamond also would be fatal.

The hand is an apt illustration of the power of a long suit and the fatal effects of repeated discards. Apparently East and West had defense in three out of four suits, but this defense could not withstand the killing play of the fourth round of spades.

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