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A Premier League Grand Slam

Photo: Jason Hackett, Councillor Mavis Smitheman and Justin Hackett

The Premier League was used as a selection process for the 2013 Camrose Trophy to be held on 4th-6th January in Northern Ireland and 1st 3rd March in the Republic of Ireland.

Premier League Final Weekend: The 2012 Premier League came to a conclusion this weekend (Nov.9 and 10), with the final three matches in each division.The BBO VG was broadcasting the  Ewart (the leader at that moment) vs Fegarty match, the 6th set of 7, the match was Fegarty 181 vs Ewart 102 when this hand appeared:


10 7
J 2
J 8 6
A K J 9 5 2

K Q J 6 5
K 8 6
9 5 3 2


8 4 3 2
Q 9 7 4
10 7 6 4


A 9
A 10 5 3
A K Q 10 7
Q 8

West    North     East     South    
Ewart Mestel Hallberg  
    Pass 1
1 2 2 Double
Pass 3 Pass 3
Pass 4 Pass 4
Pass 5 Pass 6
The End      

Cooke opened 1 and after a 1 overcall by West,  North showed his club suit. When Hallberg supported his partner, South doubled and y North rebidded his clubs after West pass. South showed extra values with a spade cue-bid and Mestel in North showed spade weakness repeating his clubs. South invited to slam, with a diamond control, but North insisted in playing game, Cooke closed the club slam. At the end of the bidding one of the VG commentators wrote:  quite lazy bidding. Declarer made 13 tricks and scored +940.

In the other table in N/S were the Hackett brothers, Justin and Jason, they developed a more different sequence that lead them to the grand slam:

Justin Hackett   
Jason Hackett
    Pass 1
1 2 3 Doblo
Pass 4 Pass 4NT
Pass 5 Pass 7
The End      

The bidding begun in the same way, but East chose a 3 level call to show his partner a weak 4 card support.  Jason Hackett doubled and when he saw his brother’s 4 call, immediately asked for Keycards. Justin showed his 2 key cards. Now Jason, counting with all the 5 key cards,  the trump queen, a lateral 5 cards suit with AKQ and knowing his brother couldn’t have more than 2 spades declared the club Grand Slam. As they weren’t vulnerable the board gave them 11 IMPs. 

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