2015 Yeh Bros Cup Site
BBO Schedule     Bulletins
The 2015 Yeh Bros Cup (at The Shanghai ) which is staged by The Shanghai Financial Bridge Club, includes the Open Teams, Swiss Plate and Open Pairs.
Thursday April 9, 2015
Today finished the 2015 edition of the Yeh Bros Cup Shanghai Bridge Master Championship qualifying stage and the field was divided in two groups. The first 7 teams plus the Yeh Bros team will begin to play tomorrow the Open teams KOs Stage, for the 150.000 dollars prize, the rest will play the Swiss Plate for a 6.000 dollars reward. The Yeh Bros 2 team: Dawei Chen, Kazuo Furuta, Ehud Friedlander, Iiran Inon, Michael Klukowski, Piotr Gawrys was the Round Robin winner.
Here are some interesting boards from the second day:
 Round 6; Board 28
In this board N/S can win 7 hearts, but a lot of E/W interrupted the bidding, and played doubled spades contracts at the 4, 5, 6 and 7 level, they all were down but scored better than the Heart Grand or the heart slam.
Only three declarers played and made 7, 4 declarers played 6Â and many pairs chose to play in clubs.
This was what happened in the two tables broadcasted by BBO:
West opened 2, showing a weak 2M hand. North doubled. East begun with a 2 bid, pass or correct, and South doubled showing extra strength. West showed his spades and after North’s pass, East trying to cut N/S communication, closed the spade game. South showed his  good heart suit with a 6 bid…North with AK in a suit, and KQ in the other and knowing his partner should be void in spades because of his three spades, said 7. The hearts 2-2, helped declarer to find his easy 13 tricks.
At the other table West opened 2, North passed and East also react very quickly with a 4 bid. Here South said 5 and North with little information closed the heart slam, but West sacrificed in 6 and was doubled…The declarer was 5 down but received a 15 IMPs reward for his efforts.
 Round 9; Board 23
This board produced the biggest swing of the day and perhaps one of the biggest ever seen at this kind of events.
Of the 28 pairs who played the hand:
- 14 played 7
- 2 played 7NT
- 11 played 6
- 1 played 6NT
Only five declarers didn’t find their way to bring home the heart Grand slam, two of them received a 20 IMPs punishment.
At the two tables broadcasted by BBO, the bidding started with a 1NT opening bid by West. North passed and East chose to transfer to hearts with a 2Â bid. At both tables South doubled 2, asking for a diamond lead, after that each pair used their system agreements to arrive to the heart grand slam.
Lets see the card play in one of this tables:
Contract 7, declarer West. Lead:Â 3
The hand is always cold and always ends with an uncomfortable South, really squeezed. Let’s see what happened.
North led a diamond, and declarer won South’s Q with his A to continue playing all his hearts, the A and a spade to the A, arriving to this four cards end position:
 6  10 8 7 |
 4  J  K Q |
 K 10 9  7  |
 Q 2  K  2 |
When declarer played the K, pitching a diamond from dummy, South didn’t have problems and played his 2, but next card was the Q, declarer played the 9 from dummy and now South was squeezed…as he couldn’t play his K because of declarer’s J, he threw a spade. West continued with a spade to the K watching South’s Q over the table and won the thirteenth trick with his 10.Â
Round 10; Board 5
This board produced a lot of double digit swings. Eight pairs played a heart slam and two pairs risked the Grand.
The only lead to defeat the heart slam is a club, because North’s Jxxx, forces declarer to ruff a diamond in his hand, and without the ace of clubs he has no way to reenter dummy to play the good diamonds.
At one of BBO’s tables, E/W arrived to the heart slam and declarer was lucky to receive a trump lead. East won the lead in his hand, ruffed a spade, draw trumps, and played diamonds, he ruffed the fourth diamond in his hand and returned to the dummy with a club, he continued playing diamonds till he arrived to his very needed 12 tricks.
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