HomeUSA Bridge NewsUSA: 2014 USBC

USA: 2014 USBC


The 2014 USBC will select the USA1 team for the 2015 Bermuda Bowl.

Location & Dates: The 2014 USBC will be held at the Scottsdale Embassy Suites, Phoenix, AZ, starting on Friday, May 9 and probably ending on Sunday, May 18th.

Format:  The format of the 2014 USBC, unless the entry is very small or very large, will be 5 2-day stages: the first stage will be a Round Robin among all teams except those with byes to the Knockout phase; the other stages will be 120 board Knockout matches, starting with the Round of 16 on Sunday, May 11 and Monday, May 12 and ending with the Finals on Saturday, May 17 and Sunday, May 18.

How to Enter: To enter a team for the 2014 USBC, you must be logged in USBF.

Fechas Relevantes…Toda la informacion [ilink url=”http://usbf.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=43&Itemid=512″]Click Aqui[/ilink]

Teams till now:

PARRISH TEAM – Parrish-Humphreys, Datloff-McNay
DIAMOND TEAM – Diamond-Platnick, Greco-Hampson, Grue-Moss

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