Thursday, March 19, 2015
Schedule, Results, ACBL Live and Bulletins
Using the bidding as a guide to play and defense
Salida: K
Bidding commentary: West’s 2 overcall (Michaels) shows 5-5, 5-6 or 6-5 in the majors with 7-10 high-card points or 15+ HCP. With 11-14 HCP hands – called “tweeners” – West would start by overcalling the higher-ranking suit.
Play commentary: With West marked with at least 10 major-suit cards and the K surely offside, the entire hand depends upon locating the Q. No rush. After drawing trumps and taking a losing heart finesse, you can discover that West did have five hearts and is almost certainy 5-5 in the majors with a singleton club. Therefore, West has two diamonds and East has four. That makes East is twice as likely to have the Q as West, so cash the A and run the J through East.
Defensive Commentary:As East, when there are two or more equal honors in dummy ( J 10), cover the last equal.