Italy: The Savelli Tournament by Simon Fellus

SPASSO FOOD: Intonti, Gullotta, Sabbatini, Fellus, Fellus, Saccavini
SPASSO FOOD: Intonti, Gullotta, Sabbatini, Fellus, Fellus, Saccavini
Simon Fellus
Simon Fellus

 January 20 2014 by Simon Fellus CsbNews Italy correspondent

  Leggi in Italiano

The 7th edition of the Federale Open Tournament – Rome Challenge just finished. The field comprised 30 teams.

 The victory was for the Spasso Food team:

SPASSO FOOD: Intonti, Gullotta, Saccavini, Fellus, Fellus and Sabbatini.

 The Maggio team was the runner up: (Maggio, Marani, Delle Cave, Latessa, Grillo) and third arrived the DESSI’ team (Versace, Agrò, Lauria, Morgantini, Mazza, Dessì). [ilink url=»»]All the Results [/ilink]

SPASSO FOOD: Intonti, Gullotta, Sabbatini, Fellus, Fellus, Saccavini
SPASSO FOOD: Intonti, Gullotta, Sabbatini, Fellus, Fellus, Saccavini
MAGGIO (Maggio, Marani, Delle Cave, Latessa, Grillo)
MAGGIO (Maggio, Marani, Delle Cave, Latessa, Grillo)

Today I want to tell you about two hands, one of them taught me something, the other one helped my team to arrive to the podium:

Board 8 Dealer West None vuln.


Q x x
x x
A x x x
x x x x

K 10 x
Q 10 x x x

K J 9 x x


x x x
A K x x
x x x x
Q x


A J x x
J x
K Q J x x
A x


Robin Fellus


Simon Fellus













The End

Robin Fellus
Robin Fellus

 After South’s 1 opening bid, Robin Fellus, with his passed hand, decided to double instead of showing his two colored hand or his 5 cards heart suit. After North’s diamond support and my free 2 call, Robin continued forcing the bidding with a 3 cue-bid.

North doubled and I instead of a Pass (forcing, I have a maximum and key cards), didnt evaluate correctly my hand and decided to call 3… this ended the bidding.

 As you can see a «nice and cold game» with only 18 points. The balanced distribution and the 3  spade spots was what discouraged me to bid the game, but I think that if I would had stopped and just give it a little more thought, I’m sure that I would have declared the game.

The important thing is to know how to evaluate the hand, relying on my partner that with a passed  hand, in his second bid doubled and afterwards invited to game (it sounds strange…NO?). With regard to the points: they are not so important after you have found a good fit with a good distribution. Fortunately, at the other table, the result was also 3 + 1.

Board 1 Dealer N None vuln.


A Q J 10
K J 9 7
Q 10 x x

x x x x
Q x
J x x
A K J x


x x
A x x
K x x x
Q x x x


K x x
10 8 6 x
A 9
10 x x x



Ilaria Saccavini


Robin Fellus






3 (14-16 no-bal)



The End

Ilaria Saccavini
Ilaria Saccavini

The lead was the A, and West continued with another club.

I ruffed in dummy and played a small diamond to the 9. West won the trick with his J and left his hand with a spade. I won in my hand with the K and let run the 10, East won with his A and returned another spade, after winning the trick in dummy, I returned to my hand with a diamond to the A, and played a heart, West contributed with his Q. I played dummy’s K to continue with the Q, when East played low I pitched a club. I draw trumps and claimed my 10 tricks 😆 .

Another 20 points game. At the other table the opps played only 2 making three…