Gerber Convention


Definition of the Concept

The Gerber convention uses the bid of 4 Clubs to ask partner to communicate by a bid the number of held Aces, and subsequently how many Kings.

According to the concept, as soon as a suit or No Trump has been agree upon, preferably No Trump, the responder will bid 4 Clubs to ask for Aces. In No Trump auctions, it is almost always the responder who will ask for Aces and Kings, since the opener has conclusively limited his holdings. The Gerber convention was devised in order to ask for Aces and Kings one level lower than with the Blackwood convention. In this manner, the two partners can stop the auction, if it proves necessary, on a lower level.

Responses to a 4 Clubs Ace Ask

4: Shows no Ace or 4 Aces
4: Shows 1 Ace
4 Shows 2 Aces
4NT: Shows 3 Aces

Responses to a 5 Clubs King Ask

5: Shows no King or 4 Kings
5: Shows 1 King
5: Shows 2 Kings
5 NT: Shows 3 Kings

The Gerber conventional method of inquiring about the number of held Aces and Kings is simplistic in form and execution. A partnership must deal individually with any competition from the opposing side.

Sliding Gerber or Rolling Gerber

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