Frozen Suits



Have you heard the term frozen suit? It doesn’t mean the director has just taken the boards out of the boot of his car on a winter’s evening when the temperature is -5o.

Q 5 4
A 9 7 6 K 10 3
J 8 2

A frozen suit is one where whoever opens the suit will wish they hadn’t. In other words, it will cost the side breaking the suit a trick. Here are a few examples of frozen suits. Look at them carefully and you will soon realise that the suit is better led by your opponents.

K 9 5 4
A J 7 10 6 3
Q 8 2

These situations are not always easy to spot but if a suit looks as if it is frozen, when you are on lead, exit in another suit and wait for your opponents to tackle the frozen one. Many tricks are lost by players not realising what they are doing at the time, so try to grasp this concept and your trick count will increase!

K 9 5 4
Q 8 6 A 10 2
J 7 3