For The Improving Player





South to make 4 (IMPs) West leads the A, cashes K, then K, followed by Q. How do you play?


South to make 4 (IMPs) West leads the A, cashes K, then K, followed by Q.

You have lost three tricks already, so assume that the K is onside. If K is with East, we must try to take as many finesses as possible but the problem here is the lack of entries.

To make the most out of your trumps, ruff the club with any heart other than the 3! Say you ruff with the 10. Next, cash the A (assume trumps are not 4-0) and play the Q and overtake it with dummy’s K.

If hearts are 3-1, take the diamond finesse, draw your remaining trumps with the J then 3 to dummy’s 8 and repeat the diamond finesse (and hope that diamonds are 3-2).

If hearts are 2-2, you have more breathing room. Take the diamond finesse, then play the 3 to dummy’s 8 and repeat the diamond finesse. If East shows up with four diamonds, cash the A, ruff a diamond, then your hand is now high (remembering to claim your beer card!).