Draw the Inference by Frank Stewart

Frank Stewart

Sun Journal – Sep 25, 2008

Hugh Kelsey
Hugh Kelsey

In 1966, Hugh Kelsey made his reputation as an author in one stroke with ‘Killing Defense at Bridge’ but that was only the first of many exceptional Kelsey offerings. Kelsey gives today’s deal on a simple example of drawing an inference on defense.mano Kelsey

Against South’s slam, West leads an aggressive heart suit2 and South takes East’s heart suit10 with the ace, leads a spade to dummy and returns the club suit10 of trumps to finesse.

When West takes the club suitK, should he try to cash the king of hearts?


Kelsey points out that if declarer has a heart loser, he also lacks the ace of diamonds, else he would take three diamond tricks to pitch a heart before he finessed in trumps. Moreover, South can’t have a void in diamonds; then he wouldn’t have used Blackwood. West should lead a diamond at Trick Four.

The way to improve is to read everything you can get your hands on.